Drop & Add, for students who need to make last minute changes to their schedule. You assemble at Finch Fieldhouse to try and get into any remaining vacancies for that class you suddenly, desperately need. You usually find out you're in the wrong line, or have the wrong form, or need to go get a signed consent from the class's instructor.
Ironically the year I took a picture of Drop & Add was a year I didn't need it. But I went to Finch Fieldhouse one evening just to get this picture of the aftermath. |
I can't remember if it was accidental or intentional, but someone punched a hole in the back of their closet wall, in one of the dorm rooms down the hall from us. Since the wall would need to be repaired, we all helped out in making the hole bigger and tearing the wall off. Here's a shot of John Borrisove and Bill Huddleston's smiling faces through the back of the closet. |
Here's a companion shot, from the opposite direction. The guys in the back are in the closets in the bedroom, the front row is on a couch in the front room. Left to right: back row: Darryl Chatman, Phil Borsa, Bill Huddleston, Donnie Carlock, Jeff Chicky. Front row: John Borrisove, Mike Auquier, Larry Smerigan, Dan Pozsgai. |
For our first weekend back after Christmas break, we held the traditional Cheap Beer party in an apartment of the married housing complex on campus (since Mike Schultz knew the couple who lived there). We stocked the beer in the tub, and kept it cold with snow imported from outside. |
More Cheap Beer frivolity. Room mate Phil Borsa gives me the finger, accompanied by Brian Gilmartin and my other room mate Keith Goodyear, (The fingers at top of frame are not mine, but belong someoneone behind me who was tring to block the shot.) |
The survivors of the Second Annual Cheap Beer Party: , including Carl Keller, Keith Bowman, Mike Auquier, Cindy, Greg Galdes, Joe Taschler, Kyle Crandall, and Darryl Chatman. (Keith, Cindy, Greg, Joe, and Kyle were visiting from back home.) |  |
Back in the dorm room, Brian Gilmartin, from across the hall, poses for what could've been the back cover his album (if he'd been at all musical). |
This picture makes me laugh. Here we are, having been invited to a big party one weekend at Park Place apartments. But the keg hasn't shown up yet. |
The keg arrives and the big party commences. Looks suspiciously like a bunch of guys playing euchre. |
At the end of the night, the keg has become wedged in the garbage can of snow that had been keeping it cold. This is another shot that amuses me, since it reminds of that famous photo from Iwo Jima. |
As the weather got warmer, we had eerie foggy evenings like this one. This is a shot of the parking lot across the street from Robinson Hall. |
An occasional First Floor East meeting. |
Spring of '84 was the season of Michael Jackson. There was simply no way to escape his overplayed, overhyped, and overexposed album Thriller. One Sunday, the Detroit Free Press had a story on the Beatles (I can't remember why now) and we were terribly offended when even it had a reference to Michael Jackson. That was the last straw, and Phil and I sent off a nasty letter not only to complain but to announce the formation of the "I Hate Michael Jackson Club".
The paper printed our letter and we had a few weeks of notoriety and fame. We were inundated with letters -- some agreeing with us, some threatening our lives -- and we were interviewed for the campus newspaper (CMU Life) and on the campus TV station (MHTV). |
Following Christmas break, the university had an arts and crafts show, in front of Warriner Hall. My room mate Phil Borsa can be seen behind the crowds, staring at the camera. |
I have nothing to say. All I did was take the picture. But I guess it serves adequately as a metaphoric goodbye. |
A few of us kept another tradition going, meeting up at Cedar Point after the end of the semester. |
John Kurko was one of the ones who made it, seen here riding the Gemini. |