Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, April 18 2007 (10:00 PM – 11:00 PM), at Zodiac Racquet Club, Southgate MI
“We spend our last night at Zodiac talking about the Live at Texas Stadium CD. Scott gets back pain, Schmoe writes a new pirate play, Mickey is blind as a bat, and Mike has a long drive.”
We’re sorry about the delay in getting out this new episode. (We meant to record last week but our schedules would not allow it.) And now for the show notes, in a different format this time.
07:28 – Eli Zaret, is a local sports reporter and announcer. He’s known for a voice so husky and gravelly it makes you wonder how he got so big in broadcasting.
09:00 – the Season 1 Kids in the Hall skit is actually about the film Citizen Kane. Transcript here.
10:17 – Listener Tom of Maryland points out BuffettNews has already posted the full setlist of the Texas Stadium show. CMT also has a setlist and review.
16:44 – link to Amazon’s page for the Willis Alan Ramsey album; and you can read-along-with-Schmoe here
21:44 – the reason Scott sounds so far away is, by this time, he was sitting on the floor, resting his back against the wall
23:38 – “Heaven” is the name of this Uncle Kracker / Kid Rock / Paradime collaboration, off the CD Double Wide
25:33 – this week’s pirate joke, perhaps from Pirate, turned out to be such a cluster it was assumed I would edit it down into some semblance of coherence. However, hearing the whole thing fall apart was too much fun. Even so, this final product is still slightly edited down (mostly to remove all the times everyone had to repeat my lines for me).
27:09 – you can learn more about my afflication from the National Keratoconus Foundation or the Center for Keratoconus
27:22 – I link to James Gunn’s links to the infamous David O Russell video. Gunn is himself a film director (Slither) and I found his comments on Russell’s behavior illuminating
28:48 – Jason Alexander used the same joke in the finale of the third episode of NBC’s Thank God You’re Here, which aired Monday, April 16 (and not “last night”, as I implied)
29:06 – my snotty response to Schmoe’s pirate joke is based on a David Letterman catchphrase
29:54 – a boat being named the Seaward is from the Arrested Development episode “The One Where They Build a House” (and a boat being named C-Word is from the series finale “Development Arrested”)
Just got done listening to the first Bama Breeze concert (from Houston). Can’t help thinking Jimmy gave a shout-out to Schmoe. Not only did JB sing Willis Alan Ramsey’s “North East Texas Women”, he even did an unexpected and excellent version of “Ballad of Spider John”!
…And he did a pirate “AARGH!” for me, too.
Hope you got a chance to hear the concert. The medley of Pirate and Marley’s Redemption Song was inspired. Maybe they’ll continue playing it that way.
It all really makes me hope there might somehow be a Pine Knob show this year after all.
Wha? No Muskrat [strike]Love[/strike] Candelight?
Seriously, I did not get a chance to listen. I need to get used to that. At least stream it while doing PC stuff on a Sat night. Wish I had.