Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, April 16 2014 at Zodiac Racquet Club, Southgate MI
“Tequila talk, Buffett at the Oscars, the latest news, and, yes, at last, the final two concert montages for 2013! (Special guest: Annie. Cameo by Jennifer.)”
Wastin' Away on the North Coast
Podcasting about Jimmy Buffett from the Great Lakes State
Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, April 16 2014 at Zodiac Racquet Club, Southgate MI
“Tequila talk, Buffett at the Oscars, the latest news, and, yes, at last, the final two concert montages for 2013! (Special guest: Annie. Cameo by Jennifer.)”
Cray-cray (autocorrect turned crazy in to cray and I decided to run with it..) idea, but you could pull out the concert round-ups as separate podcast feed.. I love listening to ya’ll, but often I’m walking/biking and can’t make note of the important bits of the shows that I should grab for myself, and then when I get to work/home I have to zip around in the full episode and find the round-up again…
Listener Jon,
Madison, WI
Thanks. We’ve been toying with that idea too, although it would probably make our full episodes only a couple minutes long.
…Unless that was your plan all along!!!