I caught the “standard” radio commercial today.
Once again I was monitoring WCSX 94.7 FM, and it aired at around 10:50 AM.
Notice the change in sound quality? This recording is a bit cleaner, without any booming bass. I bought myself a new boombox last Christmas, with a cool Bluetooth feature where I can send it music off my phone. I was looking forward to seeing how it work in recording these commercials — especially since my old boombox didn’t have a working antenna! I was hoping I’d get a clearer signal, with less hiss, but instead I got the booming bass heard in the pre-sale commercial, below. I thought WCSX was overdoing it with the compression, but it turns out I unknowingly had had the boombox’s “Mega Bass” feature activated! So it was all my fault. Today’s recording was done without any augmentation.