Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, January 9 2008 (10:00 PM – 11:30 PM) at Zodiac Racquet Club, Southgate MI
“Happy New Year! Not only is Mike still on speakerphone but now Greg is too, discussing, with Schmoe and Mickey, their Buffetty Christmases and New Year’s resolutions. Special guests: Hud and Jennifer. (The Roger Clyne podcast starts at 7:51.)”
00:00 – Hud’s holiday cheer was taped Wednesday as well, but he had to leave before the formal podcast session started.
01:04 – Mike and Greg were upset I prompted Schmoe like that, but I wanted him to get the date right
01:25 – …giving me a chance to experiment with my iPhone’s conference call capability
02:13 – Make it Right NOLA
02:16 – YouTube video from the event, via BuffettNews
02:22 – Dan Folgelberg‘s site. (It appears Mr Folgelberg cowrote “Domino College”, which makes me think I was confusing him with David Loggins, who cowrote and co-sang “Island”)
02:39 – The Innocent Age
02:47 – our local paper’s copy of this article
03:15 – BuffettNews’s photos of the appearance | and their links to YouTube videos
03:23 – BuffettNews’s coverage
03:29 – “Blackwell”. I know, it’s “Blackwell”. (Maybe I was thinking of Nina Blackwood, having recently listened to a Martha Quinn interview from the Stuck in the ’80s podcast.) And here’s the link for Episode 50
03:39 – Somewhere Over Hong Kong
03:47 – Top 20 or 21 Tours of 2007, according to Pollstar
06:08 – BuffettNews’s Top Story of 2007 Poll
08:03 – RCPM’s Turbo Ocho page. But to be honest, writing eight songs in eight days pales in comparison to Jonathan Coulton’s song a week schedule or Beatnik Turtle’s recently completed song a day for an entire year project! (Though there’s still a lot to say for quality over quantity.)
09:08 – here’s the video Schmoe describes
10:33 – Steve Larson’s MySpace page
11:55 – “Wackity Schmackity Doo!”, courtesy of Patton Oswalt, track 20, Werewolves and Lollipops (2007)
13:03 – the famed Schmoenade recipe
17:39 – mentioned because I recently saw Xanadu on Universal HD. The movie is pretty bad, but I have to admit I still like the songs
18:22 – this show was recorded Wednesday night and went up Friday night, which I think just barely falls within the parameters of my self-imposed time limit
18:55 – even trying not to say them I still said them tonight. However, I edited them out, for my own sake
20:12 – for the record, Mike & Schmoe’s HDTV’s are 1080i plasmas from Vizio
21:02 – some say “jacket”, others say “inner sleeve”
22:39 – see 11:55
23:02 – The Whole Enchilada
23:50 – for the record, I’m referring to the Samsung BD-UP5000. And I completely forgot how I also got the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy on Blu-ray, which I guess could be considered Buffetty
24:30 – nice, inventive pronunciation of “supposedly” there, if I do say so myself
25:43 – an explanation on why I’m laughing so much. To cut down on interference we have my phone on one end of the table and the speaker (a plain old computer speaker) on the other end. Even though Schmoe and I should be facing the phone and its microphone, so that Mike and Greg can hear us, we inevitably start addressing the speaker just because that’s where Mike and Greg’s voices are emanating. At this particular point in the recording, I noticed Schmoe was really leaning in toward the speaker. I gestured that he should turn and face the phone. He nodded, turned toward the phone briefly, and then turned right back to the speaker. The fact he acknowledged it and then two seconds later forgot it really cracked me up. Then again, maybe you had to be there.
26:16 – see 11:55