Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, March 12 2008 (10:00 PM – 11:30 PM) at Zodiac Racquet Club, Southgate MI
“The preliminaries out of the way, we finally get down to reviewing the Live By the Bay concert video. And the wait was worth it since Mickey and Schmoe were not only joined by Mike (on phone) and Hud, but Scott and Greg managed to show up again too! (Cameo by Jennifer.)”
00:03 – Mike attended a work dinner, while in Houston, which he had feared might delay his participation on the panel
00:55 – obviously MIke did not get disconnected. I can only assume the wire from the phone to our speaker had a shot
01:03 – score by John Williams and Christopher Young
03:01 – Hud remained pretty fascinated by the contents of Scott’s MacBook. (The YouTube stuff he mentions was archived, since Zodiac still doesn’t have wi-fi.)
03:06 – Landshark Lager
03:33 – Buffett World tour dates
04:26 – “he’s playing Jul 17th in both Texas and Ohio”, Greg wrote, after perusing (the first place I saw the June 10 rumor)
05:00 – #3 on Top Live Events, via Buffett World
05:15 – tonight’s sponsor, Straight Guys Who Love Show Tunes
05:41 – news on Captain Tony, via Buffett News
06:15 – Amazon’s link to Sleepy Time Tunes Jimmy Buffett Lullabies. You’re probably not supposed to operate heavy machinery while listening to it, but the :30 samples available on iTunes might be safe enough. Having sampled the samples, I especially like how “CILCIA” is included. What better way to train your toddler to shout “Sonofabitches!” on cue. I do have to admit the album has a pleasing, easy-going feel (despite that monotonous sleigh bell); but ultimately the tracks all sound way too much like those self-loading MIDIs on your old mid-90s Geocities page.
06:56 – Margaritaville Salsa at Garden Fresh Gourmet
07:04 – Listener Josh wrote us on March 6
09:40 – that’s Greg’s U of M inspired ringtone, by the way
11:20 – Wikipedia describes the Miami Marine Stadium as “originally built for powerboat racing and utilized a floating stage in front of the grandstand that allowed additional concertgoers to listen from their boats in the water behind the stage.”
12:01 – the Barbizon modeling school
12:41 – a topical reference about some football coach who was guilty of pressing his naked self against windows, but I can’t find the news story any more
13:22 – first heard in Episode 13
14:26 – still need to find Westwood One info
20:24 – here’s a screen grab off my laserdisc:
25:56 – now compare this to what Scott said in Episode 56
28:21 – everybody knows the Fins to the Left part, everybody knows the Fins to the Right part. This is the third step…
28:45 – the “Last Mango” chorus is written on the men’s room wall at Capt Tony’s
30:24 – you know what? Screw it. The song sounds so good, here’s an MP3 download of it. It’s straight off my ancient bootleg CD, which somebody obviously recorded off the old radio concert LP.
31:06 – in 1981, according to Wikipedia, “Sailing” won Grammys for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Arrangement; the Christopher Cross album won Album of the Year; and Cross himself won Best New Artist
33:01 – another topical reference, to the mess Detroit mayor Kuame Kilpatrick got in texting saucy messages to his chief of staff, Christine Beatty
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