Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, May 31 2006, (9:30 -11 PM) at Big Al’s in Gibraltar MI
“Start time was delayed by the Pistons/Heat Game 5. Mike, Mickey, and Joe are joined by Greg; and we got cameos from Don, Meredith, Greg 2.0, and BK Kevin. We sound tired and worn-out by the game, but hopefully the bonus three endings might make up for it.”
A more low-key show this week, seeing as everyone was worn down from the rain plus we waited till the Pistons game was over before starting. Shots were purchased in honor of birthday boy Mike. Our choices were Hot Damn or Hot Sex. When queried, Meredith replied with the immortal “Damn is hot and Sex is sweet” which unfortunately was not recorded. Greg 2.0 and Kevin’s intro was obviously recorded early (and was in regard to a personal pizza), as was our discussion on TV finales. Surprise guest Don hung around till the start of the show and Rgeular Greg lasted almost halfway through.
As you already know, Jimmy Buffett’s selections for the Today show appearance were “Margaritaville”. “Changes”, and the up-tempo version of “Floridays”. Regarding Jimmy’s movie cameos, TV puts it succinctly: “Jimmy played the role of the armless guy in the 1994 film Cobb.” And “Jimmy played the role of the 727 Pilot in the 1995 film Congo.” (Of course, he has other connections to Hollywood, but these are the ones discussed in this episode.) Mickey is confused about Buffett’s heckler character being “quadriplegic”. Yes, all four limbs are affected, but only two are immobile. If memory serves, the character sat in a wheelchair and had hooks for hands. We’re still not sure when Buffett’s cameo occurs, but we’re not that eager to rewatch the movie to find out. Mickey’s comment about Congo can also refer to character actor and Michigan native Bruce Campbell, who also beat a timely retreat from the movie.
Re: the Hoot auction.
Again with the Hoot auction.
Mike sent out an e-mail Wednesday morning:
According to BuffettNews, the Buffett worn wardrobe from Hoot is up for bid now. Current winning bid is $293. The sale ends 6/5/06.
Mick, wasn’t this up before and there were no bids?
Coincidentally, Tuesday morning Mickey received an e-mail of four new Hoot auctions (because he subscribes to the New Line Auctions newsletter ever since trying to buy props from Lord of the Rings [NERD!]); but these four new auctions do not include the Buffett one. Buffettnews’s link works, of course, and it shows a full-bodied red-blooded auction for Buffett Hoot wardrobe — in complete disregard to the auction link New Line sent out in its first Hoot newsletter, which is the one Mickey described back in episode 1 (and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5, etc).
Mickey’s favorite Hoot link still shows an auction that ended with only one $25 bid. A closer, closer inspection shows the auction was closed after one day, suggesting it was published in error. The auction Buffettnews links to is obviously the correct auction and is the one you should bid on, except for the fact it’s probably over and done with by the time you read this.
Note: the Buffett auction has ended, with a winning bid of $902.00.
Can we move on now?
Glad you guys cleared this up. You are professional Newsmen checking out the facts.
I would have been bummed if I missed some cool parrotphanaliz @ $25. But $900, I’d have to pass.
Laguna Beach, CA