Show Notes:
Recorded Wednesday, September 19 2012 (10:30 PM – 11:30 PM) at Zodiac Racquet Club, Southgate MI
“Back at Zodiac for Talk Like a Pirate Day and the boys share pirate jokes and discuss the Indy, Cincy, and AC concerts. (Cameos by Scott and Todd. Special guests: Joe Maj, Annie, and Jennifer.)”
00:00 – the baseball game capturing everyone else’s attention is the Detroit vs Oakland. (The Tigers won, 6-2.)
01:41 – it’s the “m’north” that really sells it
02:14 – JoeMaj sounds more like Popeye, which would make him a sailor man instead of a pirate
02:25 – obligatory Wikipedia link to scurvy
05:10 – “Margaritaville” with Jimmy Buffett and The BaHa Brothers, from YouTube
05:23 – “Buffett Performs in Newport RI”, from Buffett News
05:35 – “The Richest Lead Singers in the World”, from
14:42 – we didn’t see word about a video till Buffett World mentioned it in April 2013
23:42 – you’d think Jennifer would know better than to have an intimate conversation with a recording device at the other end of the table. I tried to edit around the more personal details, but you can probably still make out what she’s saying – even though you shouldn’t be listening to that side of the recording anyway! It’s personal!
25:19 – the “Raiders of the Lost Ark controversy”: I can understand Annie’s never having seen Raiders, but she says she’s never even heard of it
26:59 – oh, but that movie she’s seen