Mike Auquier moved out of my room and in with Bill Huddleston and Brett Morrow. My room mates were now Dan Pozsgai and a new guy named Phil Borsa.
None of this has much to do with the photo to the right, though. I'm not sure if the unnamed person shown here is a terrorist or a very bad clown. |
More sophomoric humor, in the form of our very own super hero, the Masked Avenger. Keeping First Floor East free from villainy as he flies down the hallway. |
A Saturday tradition was of course watching the Central Michigan Chippewas play at Perry Stadium. My favorite part was the pre-game, where the entire stands would pretend to play cymbals as the band performed "My Country 'Tis of Thee". Around this time I was able to buy a 45rpm single of the The Marching Chips, which we used to play loudly on weekends. It's pretty dusty and scratched up, but here are those opening cermonies, in MP3 format.
Opening (1.4 MBs) My Country 'Tis of Thee (1.5 MBs) Fight Song (1.3 MBs) |
Our student organization managed to finagle a concert by none other than Eddie Money, at Finch Fieldhouse. Eddie reportedly partied at the Wayside afterward, where he was thanked for his appearance by having his leather jacket stolen. |
I never used to care for Autumn, but that changed while I was up in Mt Plesant. This was taken in front of Warriner Hall, the administration building. I'm facing Robinson Hall, which is to the right. |
Wow! Two girls, passed out in our bathroom!
.....I really wish I had a story to tell. |
Some rough-housing in the hallway. I believe this was a water balloon fight. |
Another hallway pastime -- for those tall enough and with long enough arms -- was climbing the walls. Darryl Chatman, below, seems unconcerned that Mike "The Human Fly" Auquier is poised above him. |
Another rare picture of me. I believe this was taken on my twentieth birthday -- before the festivities began, of course -- which would make it early November. As you can see, I was trying to grow a beard. It came in well, but not evenly.
That machine I'm typing on is called a typewriter, children. A Smith Corona with removable ribbon cartridges. That's how we used to write our term papers before word processors. How about those weird Diet Pepsi cans too. And look how thin I was! |
This shot was taken following Thanksgiving break. We had a pretty fog one morning, so I went out and took pictures. This is the algae pond in front of Park Library. It was always so green I took to calling if Lake Palmolive. |
The courtyard between our residence hall and the Commons was wet, which of course gave us the opportunity for a spirited mud football game. I'm pretty sure I spent this one on the sidelines. |
The messy aftermath of our day-long game. The cleaning crew was not at all pleased with us, when the saw the filth tracked through the halls and stairwells. |
More rough-housing, now in the form of a wrestling match. A couple of the guys on our floor were wrestlers and I used to watch some of their matches. I kind of miss that now; and it's too bad the sport has been confused with stupid and cartoonish "professional wrestling". |
126 Robinson is decorated for Christmas. This was usually my job and those were usually my lights, brought up from home on Thanksgiving break.
The fern on the right was bought by my mom on my very first day at CMU, a year and a half before this picture was taken. It lasted a long while, but it finally died not because I didn't water it but because of the cold air coming through the windows. |