During the previous months we'd talked about the idea of a beer smorgasbord, a party where we could sample all the different kinds of beers. This would probably be too expensive, so the idea mutated into a Cheap Beer party -- where we could not only sample different kinds of beer, but challenge each other to bring the worst beers we could find.
The first official Cheap Beer party was the first weekend after Christmas break. It was an unqualified success. We packed a staggering number of people into one tiny dorm room. And we kept the beer cold simply by stacking it on our window sills or inside the window frames. Our windows were so poorly insulated that bottles actually started freezing. |
This picture, like the one above, was taken while standing on one of the desks. It's difficult to get a true sense of how jam-packed the room was. Just remember, behind those people are standing are more people sitting or hiding behind walls. We must've made a ton of noise, but amazingly we did not get busted by the RAs. I suppose this is because we kept the party contained. |
Our spoils of war, and all that remained of the 1st official Cheap Beer Party. I'm not sure whether to brag or laugh or cry. Generic beer, Cost Cutter beer (from Kroger's supermarket), Goebel, Red White & Blue, Andecker, Moosehead, Altes, Mickey's, Buckhorn, Carling's Black Label, Pfeiffer, Old Milwaukee, Lone Star, Falstaff....... |
Greg Galdes (left) and Joe Taschler (right), two high school friends visiting us from U of M, show off the aftermath of the party. It's Sunday morning and the Cheap Beer empties are being cleared out. The one thing I remember about Sunday mornings was the smell: stale beer and Lysol.
(The numbers superimposed on top plainly show this is the end of a roll of film.) |
Bill Huddleston shows us how to pick up girls. Susie (whose last name I sadly don't recall) gamely participates in the demonstration.
That contraption on the shelf, upper right, is a hot air popcorn popper. From Rival, I think. Pretty high tech for a dorm room in the 80s. |
Another pasttime was snow football. The game is being held in the field behind the track & field oval. I'm standing at the top of the grandstands, with the oval (and Finch Fieldhouse) behind me. |
A closer view of the action, during our snow football game. |
There was no drinking in our rooms, since we all under 21. So obviously going the length of keeping a keggar in one's room is a definite no-no. |
This is another no-no. Underneath all the dorms and buildings were a series of interconnecting tunnels. These were reportedly accessible through panels in the bathrooms, where the pipework came in. We were told never to go down in there. But apparently my camera did. |
More no-no's. If only we could see their faces! |
This is an incredible no-no. Someone, namely Bill Huddleston, tested his mettle while trying to bell the cat: putting nasty signs on a sleeping Darryl Chatman. |
Is there a more pleasing sight? A full fridge on a Friday afternoon. Nothing ahead for you but the Mountain Town Countdown and two days off from school. |
Another pastime, going out to the baseball fields by the Stadium and playing some softball. Here Darryl Chatman shows us his powerful batting prowess. |
As the weather got warmer, we headed out of town to Chipp-e-water Park. Darryl single-handedly transported the keg down to the riverside. I've heard that alcohol has since been banned at Chipp-e-water, and they even lock the park up at night. You young whippersnappers don't know what you're missing. |
The party lasts into the night. Pictured, from left to right, are: Bill Huddleston, Phil Borsa, Al Doan, John Borrisove (with his face turned away), Mike Auquier, Paul Salyers (way in the back, in sunglasses), Gary Mans, and John Kurko. |
We spent a lot of time at Chipp-e-water near the end of the term. Here, Howie Everts shows off his diving form. |
And here we move into Summer vacation. Some of us met up again at Houghton Lake, near Dan Pozsgai's cottage. We used my tent, only to discover a couple poles were missing. Here we are trying to jury-rig something. |
Here we at the Lake. In the distance is Mike Schultz. In the foreground is Mike's bathing suit, which had been forcibly removed.
Perhaps I should explain. You see, there were girls on the beach he'd been trying to impress, so my friends wanted to make things more difficult and inconvenient for him. |
Mike tries to reclaim his bathing suit while still maintaing his modesty. |