My Central Michigan University Photo Album

Junior Year
First Semester

    Summer already over, it was time once again to pack up the car and for my mom and dad to drive me back up to Mt Pleasant. Leaving home
    Fall of 1983 was quite warm, so we were able to spend a lot of time at Chip-a-water Park again, wading in the waters of the Chippewa River. The Masked Avenger
    The rough-housing continues on First Floor East. Here, wrestler Paul Salyers practices some holds on his roommate Dave Checkley. They lived in the room next door to us, at the end of the hall. Salyers and Checkley
    My new room mate this year was Keith Goodyear. He's in the black t-shirt, to the left. I don't recall this photo, but it appears to be an impromptu euchre game. Jim Brown is on the extreme left, then Keith, and Dan Pozsgai and Bill Huddleston to the right.
    One of our great football rivalries was with Western Michigan, in Kalamzoo. Mike knew a girl who went there, so we decided to drive over and see the big Central/Western match-up.
    Here we are, the night before the game. From left to right, Paula, Phil Borsa, Bill Huddleston, John Borrisove, Mike Auquier.
The gang at WMU
    I'm not exactly sure what caused this floor show, but here, and in the picture below, we decided to entertain Paula and her roommates with, seemingly, some song and dance numbers. Here, Bill Huddleston does his impersonation of Jennifer Beales' body double by doing the "Maniac" song from Flashdance.
'He's a maniac -- maaaniac -- on the floor'
    Bill's solo routine was followed by our big kick-line finale. From left to right, John Borrisove, me, Bill Huddleston, and Phil Borsa.
    Jeez, look how thin I was!
'A-five, six, seven, eight...'
    I was obviously not doing too well following the game. Central beat Western, which, if we'd needed it, was even more cause for partying. I was dared to drink too many things and ended up sleeping in Paula's bathroom, which made things awkward since Paula shared the bathroom with the girls in the dorm room next door. In the morning I tried to revive myself by powering some baking soda and making some bicarb. Usually this works, but this morning I was too far gone.
The morning after
    For Parents Day, my parents and my brother Mark's family came up to visit. Here Mark and Eileen's daughter Heather -- the same Heather from page one -- gives her Girls of CMU Calendar pose outside Warriner Hall. Heather
    Phil shows off our sleeping arrangements. To conserve space, our bunk beds were stacked as high as they could go. This made it difficult for the person in the top bunk, who had to battle claustrophobia as well as mind the fat water pipe (or was it a heating duct) directly overhead. Rumor has it that Brett Morrow once rolled out of his bunk bed, smacking head and neck on the dresser, before finally landing on the floor...all without injury. Phil takes a nap
    Phil shows off our room's newset decoration: The Who banner. I can't remember if he brought this up one week, or if he ordered it. Borsa the Spider
    Autumn colors begin to show in this photo taken outside our residence hall. I'm looking north, up Washington street, with Robinson off-camera to the left and Ronan off-camera to the right. Note the female Marching Chips to the right. Autumn
    Following the Thanksgiving break it was once again time to decorate the room. This time we outdid ourselves, even putting lights crossing the windows. And one of us brought up a small Christmas tree display. Christmas
    Here, Phil earns his nickname of "Pete", which Keith Goodyear had bestowed upon him.
    Ladies and gentleman, making his first appearance here in the Photo Album, Brian Gilmartin. Brian lived across the hall. He was a quiet and memorable character. Usually softspoken, he could become quite outspoken when it came to sports. And he had the enviable ability to drink quite heavily at night but then wake up without a trace of hangover. Keith gave him the awkward nickname of "Snatch", although we're really not sure why.
    We got some snow in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here's the front of our residence hall, Robinson. Christmas
    Brian Minbiole, who lived across the hall (and who was known as Pablo for his interest in Pablo Cruise), worked at college station WCHP (AM 650, FM 106). Bill was able to get some experience at night-time DJ. I used to join him on some nights, since I'd be able to secretly use the reel to reel equipment for my audio projects. And soon I was working overnights and evenings as a WCHP DJ.
Bill, on the air
    As Christmas break approached, the campus began to empty out. It's looking pretty dead here, on the other side of the Towers' parking lot.
The Towers

Next: Second Semester: Junior Year