This Setlist page not only boasts "That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It" as an audio file, but also offers "He Went to Paris" as a bonus. The latter offering is notable since Jimmy screws up the words!
Here's the radio commercial for this show.
Here's the newspaper ad for this show.
June 30 1989 Friday, 8:00pm Section C: Row 20, Seat 10. $22.50 The Palace of Auburn Hills, MI Off to See the Lizard Tour
Opening Act: The Neville Brothers
Carnival World Jolly Mon Sing Grapefruit - Juicy Fruit Boat Drinks Cheeseburger in Paradise Off to See the Lizard That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It - Now available as an MP3 file!!
(Caution: this sound file contains language some people may find offensive but most Parrot Heads will think really cool.)
Come Monday
Son of a Son of a Sailor
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
Homemade Music
Why Don't We Get Drunk
Twelve Volt Man He Went to Paris -- Now available as an MP3 file!
Take Another Road Mermaid in the Night Margaritaville Pencil Thin Mustache Fins Some White People (Can Dance)-- Greg "Fingers" Taylor, lead vocal Volcano
Encore: Gravity Storm A Pirate Looks at FortyThis concert was notable since it was a rare indoor performance. Lots of people complained about the loss of seeing the sunset or feeling the breeze, but I applauded the move since it vastly improved the sound. Jimmy's comments were actually audible now, not echoing off the empty tin roof at Pine Knob. Jimmy noted the location by referring to us as "Gypsies in the Palace" (although he did not perform the song). We were hoping he might make reference to the fact he had not shown up at a scheduled appearance that morning at the Royal Oak Musicafe. Jimmy was supposed to put his footprints in their Walk of Fame. Representatives from Corona informed us that Jimmy was in Chicago that afternoon, getting a massage! I borrowed my brother's camcorder for the day and am able to provide a video diary of the non-event as Exhibit A. We were so let down by his no-show that I wrote a letter expressing our disappointment. Jimmy more than made up for it by sending back a personal letter a couple weeks later. He explained how someone had "jumped the gun" in announcing his participation since he does not make appearances like this; and he also explained he was in Chicago that day since he couldn't get a direct flight to Detroit. Ed Bradley from 60 Minutes introduced the show and also played tambourine during "Some White People (Can Dance)".