Larry, Moe, & Curling

    Well it seems like the big thing at the Winter Olympics now is to make fun of curling. This is supposedly great fodder for comedy shows and humor articles, to point out how silly and boring curling is. Like most clichés, I’ve gotten tired of it fast, and the constant repetition of this increasingly unfunny observation is really starting to annoy.
    Why pick on curling? It’s only shuffleboard with some flourishes. And seriously, is it any sillier than a bunch of guys skating around trying to hit a black pill with sticks? I remember hearing these same complaints when World Cup soccer made it stateside; everybody had a comment on how boring and stupid soccer was, oblivious to how stupid baseball and football and basketball and golf and pretty much any athletic activity would look to the uninformed viewer. All these complaints do is reinforce the stereotype of the stupid American; so, with that in mind, please shut up about curling, okay?
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