My Precious!

    It’s a struggle to tear myself away from the TV. I got my Fellowship of the Ring DVDs tonight (courtesy of DVD Planet‘s timely shipment) and I have to say this is one of the best looking DVDs I have ever seen. The colors are extraordinary.

Where did that pink come from? I don’t remember the movie looking this good even in theaters!
    Incidentally, both discs come in a single case, the subtitles that existed in the film are still part of the film image, and as far as I can tell it looks like they really did remove the car in the cornfield. [I talk about it in my Diary. Scroll to the entry for January 20.]
    I haven’t gotten into disc two yet. I need to wring the slobber out of my shirt first.
    What a great way to wrap up the JFathers Convention and see out JFathers Day!’

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