I’m glad to read that the Senate backs the House in supporting our troops. That’s a relief to all concerned, I’m sure. I’m glad our elected leaders took the time to write up that resolution, since their stance was so uncertain. I find it quite bizarre how “We Support Our Troops” is the counter-response to the “No War” contingent. As if those who are opposed to the war are incapable of supporting the troops too. In fact, I’d say those opposed have the best interests of the troops at heart, since they’re the ones who don’t want to put troops in harm’s way to begin with.
But now I’m conflicted. Sure, I think we could’ve dealt with Iraq in better and more diplomatic ways. But, dang it, I sure do like to see stuff ’splode…
| |
<- insert various explosion noises here -> | “That blowed up gooood!” |
Incidentally, some video of President Bush being groomed prior to his address on Wednesday was “accidentally”
fed to the networks. It shows him in a less than serious light, and is causing the same kind of flap as President Reagan’s unfortunate “outlaw Russia” joke. Some of that video is available
from this link.
[3:47 PM] Update: The video file has been removed from the above link. A short version can be viewed at
The Smoking Gun. The longer version can be
downloaded from
What Really Happened.com.