Resarchers Prove the Importance of Proper Diet

    Note to self: Put this on in the Farts & Cannibalism category.
    A story from (by way of Fark) explains how cows being shipped to the Mideast were suffocating themselves with their own flatulence! Animal rights activists believed the animals’ gassiness was caused by nerves during the change in climate. But researcher Jeisana Accioly believes the problem stems from the cows high-protein diet. The solution “can be as simple as increasing the roughage in the diet with something like hay, decreasing protein and ensuring higher levels of qualified nutrient monitoring.”
    Likewise, a change in diet might benefit egg-laying chickens who often resort to cannibalism. Says the article: “A producer can lose up to 40 per cent of chickens due to cannibalism, but the problem can be lessened by reducing the level of highly processed feed and by increasing the level of salt in their diet.”
    In a similar vein, I always feel much better after some tacos and beer.
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