The trademark infringement lawsuit is even more laughable since Fox News actually claims ownership of the phrase “Fair & Balanced” when they are decidedly neither. I guess describing yourself in direct proportion to what you aren’t is a typical right-wing mindset: the kind of thinking which gives us Bush’s “Clear Skies” and “Healthy Forests” programs. [Then again, on the other hand, we’ve got a Total Information network baldly named the “MATRIX”. And Iraq’s new Operation: Ivy Lightning, whose acronym is OIL2.]
And capping all this is the news that interest in Franken’s book has skyrocketed. Sales on Amazon are up an astronomical and incredible 14,300%, making the book number one in pre-sales. Good going Fox. Way to get youir point across. You retort, we deride.

Can you spot the difference?
1. Would “Fairly Biased” have been a better pun?
2. The “OIL” acronym was first noted at Stray Bulletins
Fun’s over. I removed the title change.