Plans for the Future

    We have come to another calendar milestone, and as we stand on the cusp of a new year it’s customary to pause for a moment of self-reflection, to take stock of one’s position in life, and to think about what this new year may hold in store. For on thing I’m undecided about what to do with this website. As my trainer so artlessly wrote a few days ago, I will be starting a diet tomorrow; and since this website has reveled in my most hedonist impulses, I can’t help but think it won’t suffer through inattention or, at the worst, avoidance. (At last for the five or six hours before I go off the diet and start cheating.)
    I am at my fattest right now. And it has not escaped me that this corresponds to my fequency of posts, or the start of my little pBlock ([formerly]to the right) which itemizes my fast food meals. That little list has become my undoing, and I’ve found myself actually going out of my way just to add new or varied combo meals to it. My website is my own conspirator and abettor; and maybe I need some kind of intervention to separate myself from this enabling.
    Who knows what may happen here. Perhaps I’ll disown the site completely. Maybe I’ll skip the Food talk and concentrate on Tech news or website links. Or it could turn into the Mac cult fanpage it’s been veering toward over the last couple weeks. Only time will tell…
    And speaking of plans for the new year, here’s Wired‘s list on how to make the Internet better.
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