The Return of the Millennium Group

Millennium: Released Dec 19 2003. ©Fox Music
    We’ve been waiting for years for the planned CD of Mark Snow’s music from Millennium. Fox Music has released it, but as an exclusive on iTunes. It has 22 tracks, runs around 80 minutes long, and covers music from seven shows (the Pilot, Marantha [sic], José Chung’s Doomsday Defense, Midnight of the Century, The Time is Now, Omerta, and Goodbye to All That).
    One nice thing about this release is that each track is self-contained. There are no crossfades, as with Snow’s X-Files CD [The Truth and the Light], and this works well in avoiding the gaps inherent with MP3 and AAC files.
    I have found no word on whether the music will be released on CD in stores, so this might be our one chance to have more of Mark Snow’s inimitable atmospheric and eerie music.
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3 Responses to The Return of the Millennium Group

  1. Jaquandor says:


    Do I have to join iTunes to get this stuff? Do I have to have an iPod to join iTunes? Does joining iTunes cost anything, or can one just get the music and go away?

    This one is KILLING me. I’ve wanted this music for YEARS, and that’s how they do it?! Oy.

  2. Mickey says:

    iTunes is a free download. There are no fees, you only spend money on the music you buy. The Millennium album, like most iTunes albums, is $9.99.

    The files you download will be AAC, or for Windows they’ll show up as “.M4P”. You won’t need an iPod to hear them, you can play them within iTunes or use iTunes to burn the tracks to an audio CD.

  3. Mickey says:

    I just noticed iTunes actually has this album listed as The Best of Millennnium — with three N’s!

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