Woses Supposes

Just got the latest Lord of the Rings Fan Club magazine, and found one quote from Peter Jackson quite interesting. He was asked what deleted scenes he regrets having to excise, and he mentions the Púkel-men who guide the Rohirrim through the mountains:
I always found it kind of slightly weird and creepy with those wild men with Ghân-Buri-Ghân and the way they intercept the Rohirrim when they are trying to get to Minas Tirith. It has that great pagan kind of quality to it. It was not something in the way that we structured the film that we could ever afford to do, so we never shot it. It is not something we even have for the DVD unfortunately.
    This is quite ironic, since during the days of build-up to the movie’s release the Ghân-Buri-Ghân rôle was one of the few that were listed in IMDB’s cast list for Return of the King. It is quite bizarre that Wi Kuki Kaa (The Bounty, Kingpin), despite being one of the few actors listed on IMDB’s original ROTK page, was evidently never filmed for the movie.
    And speaking of The Lord of the Rings, what could be better than reading the book or watching the movies? Dressing like the characters as you read the book or watch the movies! Museum Replicas has a line of handsome and official replicas of Ngila Dickson’s costumes from the Peter Jackson film. What’s more, they also offer official replicas of the costumes from Monty Python & the Holy Grail!
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