24 Questions

    Since it’s a 24 Tuesday and the show won’t be back for another <gasp!> three weeks, all we can do is talk about it. And it looks like TV Barn might have the scoop on what’s in store for next season. They got their hands on a focus group questionnaire, and it gives an idea of what the writers and producers are considering.
    Following are different times 24 could possibly air next season. How likely would you be to watch 24 if it airs in each of the following time periods:
    • Sunday at 9pm
    • Monday at 9pm
    • Tuesday at 9pm

    Looking ahead to next season, how important are each of the following in driving your interest in the new season of 24?
    • The show remains set at CTU
    • The American president is involved in the crisis
    • The series maintains the 24-hour format
    • The story is set in the United States
    • The story involves a threat of national significance to the United States

    How would your interest in watching next season be affected if you knew that Jack would have a different job that doesn’t involve CTU?
    Speaking personally, I really don’t care if they change the time slot. Any time is fine with me, since this is definitely a show for which I’ll arrange my schedule. Having another high-quality hour-long drama on Sunday at 9 would be kind of fun though. It would be like the old days, back when I gave a crap about Fox Sundays.
    As for the other questions, 1) I would think CTU would have to be involved somewhat, but it might be a nice change to have the secondary characters all out in the field rather than staring at computer screens for the whole season. Then again, there have been so many moles in and out of CTU I’m surprised the military hasn’t scrapped the whole thing already.
    2) It worries me that “the American president” might not be involved. This echoes rumors I’ve read that Dennis Haysbert might be leaving the show. The President definitely needs to be involved: case in point this current season where the Presidential subplot is the weakest yet. Dennis Haysbert has great screen presence and I really like the character of President Palmer (I’d vote for him), and it would be a shame to lose that just because the writers can’t think of anything better for him to do.
    3) The writers probably feel shackled by the 24-hour framework, but I really feel they will just have to live with it. It’s what makes the series unique, it’s also a large part of why it makes for such riveting viewing. They’re stuck with it and they should make the most of it.
    4) Since the first three seasons have been so tied to Los Angeles, it’s odd the producers are considering a different location. I assume they’re only going to pretend LA is some foreign land. Maybe they can shoot in the Californian desert and make it look like Jack Bauer is cleaning house in the Mideast. In short, relocating the characters would not bother me.
    5) We’ve already seen an assassination plot, a nuclear bomb plot, and a biological warfare plot, so it seems like the writers are running out of national threats. Still, it’s almost a given that terrorists would have to be the bad guys — if CTU is going to stay involved — and that the threat has to be of some great significance — if only to get 24 episodes’ worth of mileage out of it. And it better be of “national significance” — so as to keep President Palmer involved too.
    And finally, if Jack still gets to yell and shoot people and beat people up, then I don’t mind if he switches jobs. If he moves to the suburbs and has to cope with two precocious teenaged daughters who are just learning about boys while he fends off the advances of the overly amorous head of the PTA and keeps his head above water managing the lovable and well-meaning lunkheads who work at his failing pulled-meat restaurant with hilarious consequences then I might have a problem.
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3 Responses to 24 Questions

  1. Schmoe says:

    Just please put Malcolm and Arrested Development (if it survives) on a good night for me then.
    1. The show does NOT need to be set at CTU. Except they need Whatever Technology involved in some degree.
    2. I’d love Palmer to be involved. But not every episode if they cannot think of anything for his plot to do.
    3. 24 hours. For sure.
    4. Canada?
    5. It does NOT need to be significant. Just a story that takes place in 24 hours. I’ve always felt this.

    I still see a “prequel” season. 24, when Jack ran CTU, Nina was not known to be a spy, Jack’s marriage was falling apart, Soul Patch had a soul patch, and Palmer was a Senator. He and Jack didn’t know each other yet. I can see this. George would be back. Remember how Jack blew the whistle on some dirty agents? That could be a story.

  2. bobwalka says:

    I like green and when they ever become available want green mini-ipod

    san jose

  3. bobwalka says:

    Oh boy, I need to put serious content. I think the scene with the guy getting wasted while trying to leave the hotel was way serious. Please God make this never happen.

    san jose

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