I was discussing in the luncheon room the problem Americans may face soon in their reliance on Diebold voting machines. From the things I have read it would appear these fears are not in vain. However it would seem quite easy to get around this. Counting votes electronic does not seem to me a big deal. Online polls are on every web page, counting votes, without suspicion and without Diebold’s involvement. Here is my solution: for every voting place that uses a Diebold machine, some club or political organization should set up a laptop running a simple Javascript poll. As each person exits, talk them into voting again, on this laptop. Then when Diebold posts their results [which will probably look like this:
Diebold Firmware Rev 1.93.8or this:
Diebold Firmware Rev 2.01.1depending if their programming has been updated], these local organizations can check them against
their results.
And no recounts either, please. If there is a great discrepancy, all results are thrown out and each town has to start again. Preferably with trusty paper and pencil.