In other personal news, I’ve finally gotten around to adding John Williams music to my iPod. I figured I’d start with the 2-disc “Special Edition” releases of Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back (the ones with the complete scores); but after listening to them a couple days I realized I actually prefer the “concert version” edits of the original LPs. I’ve since gone back and replaced those albums with rips from the four-CD box set, which is a closer approximation of the original LPs, but with improved CD-sound. (The only drawback is the Empire disc is missing the Mynock Cave music, so in that instance I did rely on the 2-CD set [with a quick bit of iTunes editing to remove the music from the first half of the “Mynock Cave” track, which is duplicated in the single disc’s “City in the Clouds” track].)
I recently upgraded my NetFlix service from two discs to three — just in time for them to lose one of my discs, so that I was paying for three but only getting two! While waiting for movies to show up, I started watching my box set of Season One of 24 again. I was already aware of that glaring blooper in the final episode (even though Jack is supposed to be working alone, note the crew member with the face mask), but I discovered another blooper midway through show 12. During an interrogation scene, you can clearly see a secondary film camera shooting an alternate angle (as shown below).
Top: what the camera was shooting. Bottom: the camera itself (at left)
That’s fantastic! Keep it up!