First, the bride: Jennifer.
“Jennifer on the ferry to the island. Notice the flag waving in the background. Never forget.”
The groom: Reid.
“Me taking a rest on a bridge. The water was dark red from all the iron. ‘If this was Civ I would make a city on this lake and build swordsmen’, I thought to myself, and then thought about suicide.
And Mackinac Island itself. A view from Fort Mackinac: that’s Marquette Park in the foreground. Ferries arriving with tourists from the mainland cross the Straits and pass by the little Round Island Lighthouse. The hazy land on the horizon is Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.
(Man, I need to get back up there some time soon!)
“My favorite shot. A great view of the island. You can see the lines of horse taxis since there are no cars allowed.”
“I return home bearing treasure from the far north! I bought a tricorn hat and sign that has a picture of a squirrel eating a nut and it says ‘Welcome to the Nut House’. I plan to hang it over my computer.”
Welcome to the Nut House
“[A]lso I had sex but no pictures of that ok
“Professional wedding pictures to come once we get them and I scan a few.”