It’s been fun watching the rumors fly about that Apple would/would not announce an iPod Video at today’s Special Event. I agree that an iPod is a poor way to watch video, but that it might be a handy way to transport and feed video files to a TV. Now that the announcement is official, I have to admit I am underwhelmed. The unveiling of the iPod nano a little over a month ago had me clicking “Add to Cart” almost immediately. It’s a lot easier to resist the same temptation today. For one thing, I was really expecting something more along the lines of this…
An iPod Video prediction (from smash’s world)than just a slightly wider iPod. It’s really surprising to me, and definitely disappointing, that Apple is sticking with a plain 320×240 size rather than the 16×9 aspect ratio of its own Cinema Display monitors. They should be pushing the widescreen shape just like they’re pushing this as the Year of HD.
I’m not sure how I feel about the prospect of buying TV shows in the new iTunes 6.0. I can’t say I’m necessarily against it, since it might be convenient to pay a couple bucks to see a show I missed. I can say though that if I’m to own a TV episode I’d prefer something with more repeatability than
Lost (as the recent DVD release reminded me) or
Desperate Housewives. If Fox hops on board and sells
Arrested Development, however, then methinks a new iPod I might buy!
Then again, I’m once more underwhelmed by the quality of those videos. I sprang for an exclusive U2 video only to find I paid $1.99 for a tiny 320×176 display that’s in mono.
Actual size I really hope this is just a beginning and that the files will eventually be
worth buying, since so far there’s plenty of room for improvement.
I’m watching the Special Event video right now. I guess everything — music videos, TV shows — will be 320×240. Yes, this is perfect for the video iPod; but it is simply not good enough for full screen. Passable, yes; but not enough to warrant a purchase, in my opinion.
Also, The Insider’s Report found a very humorous error in Steve Jobs’s presentation.
I, too, was hoping for a bit more, video-wise. I’m spoiled by the gorgeous screen on my Sony PSP (480×272), but it’s handicapped by limited storage (very expensive memory sticks) and by nothing as slick as the iTMS/iTunes combo for getting new content.
Ecorse, MI