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Category Archives: Space
Mars, the Bringer of Wet Shoes
The local news reminded me that Mars was visible tonight, in the southeast, so I had to go out and see for myself. All I had were binoculars, but I assume the pale star in the sky was … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Personal, Photos, Space
From the Depths of “My Documents” III
Hubble Telescope P.S. Still having problems refreshing my page. I think it might be the stupid Site Meter graphic (since it comes from them), so I’ve removed it for the time being.
Posted in Blogathon, Photos, Space
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In Space, No One Can Hear You Pop
When in doubt, steal stuff from Catch.com. Here’s a very cool site with QuickTime and MPEG movies of what it looks like when you burst a water balloon in zero gravity. Bonus link: the New York Times, … Continue reading
Posted in Links, News, Space
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Earth Day
And beware genetically altered foods, too. It’s Earth Day. Time for our planet to make a wish and blow out all its refinery fires! Actually, that’s not a good metaphor since it’s not really the Earth’s birthday. … Continue reading
Two beautiful Spring days in a row, but I have to spend them in my windowless basement office. I should be lying on my back in a field staring at clouds, but instead I’m looking at photographs from … Continue reading
Sound Off
Guess what, Osama Bin Laden’s niece Waffa Bin Laden wants to be a pop star. The BBC reports the London resident, 26, has been recording demos and hopes to sign a contract soon — although, admittedly, she “is … Continue reading
Hail Columbia
Sunrise as seen from Columbia(TIME Magazine; NASA-Getty Images) It’s been said we had begun to take the space shuttle for granted. This might very well be so, since I was surprised to read (in TIME magazine) that there have already … Continue reading