Random Thursday Musings

  • It’s about time the Iraqi sandstorms dissipated so the coalition forces can get going again. And if it’s true that the Iraqis are posing as civilians to ambush our troops, then I, although a wimpy peacenik dove, give our men and women my blessing to bomb the crap out of whatever they want to over there. If civilians get hit, then so be it; serves them right for having complete bastards as leaders.
        Maintaining rules and decorum in that kind of environment is foolish. We say this is a war of liberation, but the last thing we need is to fight like the Redcoats.
  • Have you heard the latest quote for President Bush. It sounds like he’s conducting a news conferences on an exercise bike.
        Or maybe it was a jump rope. Either way, he sounds cranky; so maybe President Bush shouldn’t hold news conferences at the same time he’s working out.
  • There’s a funny-smelling container in the work fridge. Is there such a thing as a Thai dinner that uses baloney?
  • Now I’m conflicted. I do everything TV and movie celebrities tell me to do — but I also base my life around weblogs. So what am I to do with “Boycott Hollywood.us”? Here’s their list of celebrities to boycott; and here’s their list of celebrities, or more appropriately, country singers, they approve of.
        I guess Danté had it right. It looks like I’d rather keep watching the Cons than follow the Pros. But at least we know these webmasters won’t be up before the HUAC.
  • Dial the 1. Dial the 1. DIAL THE 1! If you’re calling a long distance number, for the love of God remember to DIAL THE 1!!!
  • I’m sleepy.
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One Response to Random Thursday Musings

  1. Mickey says:

    DIAL THE 1!

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