A Message from Joe (2003/08/23)

    My nephew Joe is taking an international studies course in Ecuador. Here’s his latest message.
From: Joe
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2003 18:04:02
Subject: Now this is more like it.

¡Hola amigos!

I’m glad to hear that everyone is doing well with international travels and everyday life. I promise to start emailing on a more personal basis when I can use the schools computers, but for now I have to walk to the mall to get to the internet. I wish you guys could see this mall … talk about swanky. Anyway, Ecuador continues to be a lot of fun. The homesickness is subsiding and I’m getting used to the language day by day. My family says some funny shiznit if you can understand them.

I finished my last “intensive spanish class” today. Monday is orientation and Wednesday I start my real classes. Ecology completely in spanish … hrmmm. I’m looking forward to it though. It’s nice just to get out of the house. I didn’t realize it, but talking in spanish all the time is really tiring, I have to always be thinking. When I’m at home, english just rolls off the tongue, hopefully my spanish can get to that point.

Oh ya, before I forget, I have my address and phone number. (I don’t expect anyone to use these, but they’re nice to have.

Telefono 2-467-354 The 2 is the city code … sorry, but I don’t know the country code

Joe Asteriou
Programas International/Kalamazoo College
PO Boc 17-12-841
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Quito Ecuador

Ya, so it’s a bit of a mouthful, but hey, I’m in south america for pete’s sake!

I think i might be going to a soccer game tomorrow. I hear the teams are big rivals, so if I’m lucky I’ll see a riot!

Hoping everyone happy, no matter where they are!

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