Psoriacast (2005-07-30)

    I forget to put on hand cream for one night and look what happens: all sorts of little cuts on my fingers. Ow!
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One Response to Psoriacast (2005-07-30)

  1. Anon Y. Mous says:

    Apropos the ghost image on

    There is a part of the human brain called the Fusiform Face Area. I won’t go into all of the really interesting psychology behind this, but the human brain is essentially programmed to recognize human faces in anything, even if it isn”t human. (You know, seeing “faces” in bark and clouds?) This then branches out into a general recognition of the human form. The reason you’re seeing a “ghost” there is because of the human brains “need” to find one, not because there’s an actual person there.

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